
Bienvenue dans la communauté des membres de l’AIIC

Les infirmières et infirmiers s’y rencontrent pour établir un contact avec leur communauté de pratique, partager des histoires et des ressources, poser des questions et créer un système de soutien qui fait progresser la profession infirmière.

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Discussions récentes

  • As ICN is preparing for the upcoming Helsinki Congress, they have reached out for an exciting promotional opportunity. They would like to ask a nurse from CNA to send them a short video (30 seconds maximum) where she/he shares their top three reasons ...

  • Thank you Bridget! Yes, this is something we have heard many times from other members, provincial/territorial nursing associations, and nursing unions. What do members think are the best arguments in favour of maintaining or expanding that role? How ...

  • Hello, I think one question I am curious to know is the political parties stances on retaining our Chief Nursing Officer of Canada that was reinstated in 2022. I believe we should be prioritizing advocacy to keep it in place. Quick Facts ( Government ...

  • English will follow. Chères-ers membres de l'AIIC, Santé Canada sollicite vos commentaires sur les Règlements modifiant certains règlements pris en vertu de la Loi sur les aliments et drogues (pénuries et cessation de vente de drogues et d'instruments ...

  • The 2nd CFNA Symposium will take place on May 28 & 29, 2025, in person, at the Delta Bessborough Hotel in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This year's conference theme is Collaboration, Growth, & Empowerment. We are looking for individuals who would be interested ...

  • Le français suit. Dear CNA members, As we gear up for the 2025 federal election, likely this spring or fall, we want to ensure that nursing priorities remain front and centre during this critical time. We need your input! What questions would ...

  • Yes. I worked L&D, and was the CNS for Women and Children. I also work in remote Northern communities. Erica ------------------------------ Erica Moorhouse Thunder Bay ON ------------------------------